Thursday, May 1, 2014

You Don't Always Get What You Want

At some point in our lives we learn the, "you don't always get what you want" lesson, and not only do we not always get what we want, but we don't always get it when we want it. So if we know we can't always get what we want, and can't always get it when we want it, why is it so hard to accept sometimes? I guess it's just the "natural man" in us. I'd be lying if I said that I never wanted anything. As of right now there are things I want and that I want now, but life doesn't always go how we want it and at some point we have to accept that. I wanted to try and write down the things that I have learned, or that I am in the process of learning, that have helped me deal with this part of life. As you read these you'll notice I have many imperfections, but I guess we all do right?

1. Be grateful. Sometimes I let myself get so caught up in the things that I want that I lose sight of what I already have. This is sad because I truly have so much. One thing that has helped me, is to make a list in my head of things I am grateful for. I do this in my head because a lot of times it's when I'm praying.

2. Be Happy. Sometimes it can be hard to stay happy when life doesn't go the way you planned, and sometimes you have to "fake it tell you make it". I do believe that positive thoughts can change the way you feel about the situations that life deals you. I'm not perfect at this. I try hard to do it and sometimes I fail at it, but I do my best. Life is meant to be enjoyable and if we don't take time to enjoy it we will look back with great sadness when we realize what we've missed.

3. Be patient. My biggest weakness right here! I don't know about you, but I'm not the most patient person in the world to say the least :) When I want something I usually want it now. I know I have a lot of room for improvement in this area because my Heavenly Father tests me on it quite frequently. When I'm struggling with patience I just remind myself that if it's supposed to happen it will, and then of course I find something to distract me.

4. You can't always be in control.  In this world some of us are control freaks and I happen to be one of them. To not have control is not only terrifying to me, but it stresses me out beyond belief. As life goes on I'm learning that I have less and less control over things. My husband has comforted me many times by reminding me to take control of  the things I can control and hand the rest over to the Lord.
5. You aren't going to be perfect. We all know what we "should" do in times of trials, but we are human, and we aren't perfect. We have to accept that when life doesn't go our way we sometimes make bad decisions. We may become impatient, unhappy, or ungrateful. We may even start to lose faith. One thing I've learned is that when we are going through a trial often times we go through the grieving process as well (or at least I do). I deny what is happening or how I feel. I become angry. I become sad. And then at some point I learn to accept. I have found the best thing to do when you're are having a hard time is to surround yourself with good people that truly care about you, that will love you through the good and the bad. Thank your Heavenly Father for what he has given you and let him know that you need him. These things can help us when life doesn't go our way, or when we don't get what we want, when we want it.  So the question is...what will you do when life doesn't go your way?

1 comment:

  1. Love this, and love you! I have learned Heavenly Father can also surprise you with what you want when you least suspect it! You are such an inspiration to me and have helped me through so much! I am so lucky to have you as my cousin!
